Sponsor, Volunteer, Donate
Balboa Tennis Club is a non-profit tennis club that welcomes tournament sponsors volunteers and donations. Below are some of the opportunities for tennis enthusiasts to help out the Club.
Tournament Sponsorship: Balboa Tennis Club offers four club sponsored tournaments each year. If you are interested in having your company logo on the tournament t-shirt, paper entry, website or display a company banner, these opportunities are available. Contact the Club Director.
Tournament Desk: In order to run a successful tournament, an efficient and organized tournament desk is critical. Volunteering at the tournament desk is a great way to interact with the players and help the tournament director produce an efficient tournament. All ages are welcome to volunteer. Please contact Colleen at 619-295-4242 or email director@balboatennis.com
BTC Donor Brick Project: The ongoing brick project encompasses the old brick area between the Pro Shop and the Clubhouse. Bricks are selling for $100, $200 and $300. Remember a loved one, friend or special moment in your tennis life by purchasing a brick. Pick up a Donor Brick form at the Reservation Office or email the director to receive a form.
Corporate Banners: BTC offers a great opportunity for individuals to advertise their business at the club year round. Fences areas on court 7 are available for banners to be hung at the reasonable cost of $500 per year. Contact the Club Director for additional information at director@balboatennis.com
Greater San Diego City Tennis Council: GSDCTC is a non-profit organization that provides funds to repair damaged and deteriorated public tennis courts. GSDCTC seeks strategic partners such as the USTA, SCTA, SDDTA, Charitable funding groups, School Districts, County and City municipalities to provide grants and or matching funds. To learn more about GSDCTC, go to sandiegotenniscouncil.com